Winter Inspiration!
All.I.Can. Official Teaser from Sherpas Cinema on Vimeo.
Amazing video. Really looking forward to seeing the full feature next year. Also, really looking forward to putting together slideshows+music this winter. I know the learning curve for cinematography is steep, but videos like this make it seem worth it to learn at least a little.
Skiing can’t come soon enough.
Airports and inspiration /
texture from friday /
Touring in October /
More winter inspiration.
Live in Utah? Vote. /
Utah is a state of superlatives. Geographically, its borders enclose one of the most scenically spectacular, iconically “western,” ecologically unique, and archaeologically rich landscapes in the United States. Politically, the persuasions of the majority of its citizens make it the reddest state in the Union. The land and politics of Utah stoke fervent passions amongst its citizens that are often at odds with one another. Nowhere else is this more evident than in the fight over wilderness legislation that has been raging for more than four decades.
If you live here and these wild places mean something to you, vote. This year’s election could matter more than usual.
afternoon chai /
Learning /
First scanned frame from filling a roll of 120 with the medium format camera I’ve borrowed.
I can see why folks enjoy film over digital: slowness and deliberateness are required and pay off. While I know that the camera and lenses that I have can produce amazing results, the learning curve is pretty intimidating. What’s more frustrating is that I can see more feature detail and tones in the negative than what are in the scan or the printed proofs I got back. I was hoping to just scan the negative and then do my normal post processing… so much for that. I think my iPhone would have taken about the same quality as seen above. Always room to learn more I guess, and I shouldn’t have expected to get it right the first time.
I’ll keep working with the camera to see if I can get better results, but no way am I switching away from digital…
until there is nothing left to take away... /
The new Apple MacBook Air's minimal design is pretty amazing. Take as much out of the laptop as you can, use a unibody frame and use a higher tech solution for a harddrive (solid-state flash memory) and you get this:
Its mostly battery, with the mainboard that bit at the top. It’ll be really interesting to see how this design scheme plays out across the MacBook and MacBook Pro line down the road.
Say what you will about Mac vs PC, Apple knows how to design beautiful hardware.